1.  I have all 3 layers, Background is the sky, Middle ground is the bird, Foreground is the 2 aircraft Check

2. Blue sky for image Check

3. Player control Check

         -There is no boundary so your plane can go out of screen

4. Enemy auto movement Check

5. Shooting Check

6. Auto shooting Check

7. Collision Check

8. Explosion on both aircraft Check

9. Health bar Check

10. Helicopter explosion Check

11. Bird Check

12. Level difficulty Check

You start off with a certain speed and firerate. As you continue on to the next level, you fire slower while the enemy fire faster and move faster.

13. Scene transition Check

14. Direction explanation Check

15. Setting and Slider Check

16. Quit: not sure if it works

17. Menu works Check

18. Pause/Resume/Menu work, but when I try to hide/show those button like what you did in class, Resume doesn't appear, so the rest of the level are left out in the open.

19. Extra UI: Too tired and lazy to implement

20. Persistentdata: Too tired and lazy  to implement

21. High Score: Didn't do PersistentData so I didn't do it

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